Sunday, August 31, 2014

Whole30 Wrap-up

I did it! I finished the Whole30! And I didn't cheat even ... well, not above half a dozen times, at least. So how was it?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Dear Guy on the Internet Who Would Totally Date Me If I Started Working Out*

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ....

Oh. Oh, you're serious. You're really proposing that I might want to change my lifestyle to win the approval of you, a person I literally have never met. Well, this is awkward. You see, the thing is --

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Whole30 Week 2 1/2: I Have to Keep Doing This How Long?

Tomato soup with sauteed shrimp and fresh basil -- and no baguette

The first few weeks of any new self-discipline are always a perverse sort of fun. You're just so proud of yourself for jogging/cutting caffeine/giving up cigarettes -- the deprivation, the self-denial. You're just such a good person. You're a frickin' hero. You are doing this.

And then the boredom sets in. You are doing this ... and you have to keep doing this forever. Uuuuuuuuuuuugggghhhh. It's like getting to the end of a great two-week vacation and being informed that no, you can't go home, you have to keep on vacationing. Forever. And this hotel is lovely but man, what you wouldn't give for a night in your own bed.

That's how I feel about Whole30 at this point.


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